FAVUS (WHITE COMB) Fungal Infections
Favus is an economically less important fungus disease which occurs sporadically. It is
caused by Trichophyton magnini.
Symptoms and Lesions
The combs of the affected birds show deposition of thin, white, flour-like material. Slowly,
this layer spreads to other featherless parts of the body. Later, the deposits slough off from
the skin. Infected skin becomes thickened. At times, infection may spread to gastrointestinal
tract and respiratory tract. In the trachea necrotic foci may develop with the formation of
yellowish material. Immunity does not develop against favus, hence the disease persists
quite often, over a long period of time.
Infection spreads from one bird to another by direct contact.
Favus affects birds of all age groups and the birds which are kept under poor managemental
conditions. It may also affect turkeys and human beings.