Friday, 30 September 2016

MUCORMYCOSIS Fungal Infections in Broiler Poultry

MUCORMYCOSIS Fungal Infections

Chickens are less susceptible to mucor infection. Pneumonic lesions in the chickens may be caused by Mucor resimosus or M. chorimbifer. Some species of mucor may cause infection in the eyes and vertebrae in chickens. According to one report, infection of mucor, penicillium and aspergillus has been reported to occur through contaminated litter. After removal of contaminated litter the disease declined in 4 days.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Fungal Infections and Symptoms in Broiler Poultry

Fungal Diseases

Fungal diseases are relatively less prevalent in poultry. Mostly these diseases occur sporadically but at times they may take the form of outbreaks. Of the all mycotic diseases, aspergillosis and candidiasis are more important. Following are the important mycotic diseases that can affect birds. Other fungal diseases included in this chapter occur very rarely.

The four important diseases are listed below:
1. Aspergillosis
2. Mucormycosis
3. Candidiasis
4. Favus


This disease mainly affects the respiratory system, but sometimes infection may spread to other visceral organs also. Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common etiological agent. Other species like A. flavus, A. nidulans, A. glaucus, A. niger and A. candidus have also been found related to the disease.


Clinical symptoms depend on the site of infection. If respiratory system is affected then dyspnoea, depression and emaciation develop with loss of appetite and increased thirst. In turkeys, eyes may get affected resulting in inflammation and accumulation of cheesy materials under the eye lids. Brain is rarely affected resulting in nervous symptoms. Mortality rate is 1-2 per cent in chicks. It may exceed 50 per cent in ducklings and quail chicks.